Понял, что если что-то не клеится, нужно выявлять причины и решать их
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
Понял, что если что-то не клеится, нужно выявлять причины и решать их
Want to Sell a Business? Pros and Cons
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
rubric:Blog, Article
Deciding to sell a business is always challenging. On one hand, this step can open new opportunities for growth and development, free up resources for new endeavors, or become a way to solve current problems. On the other hand, there's a chance that the business owner might regret the sale.
What is strategic planning in simple terms?
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
rubric:Blog, Article
Imagine that a new quarter or even a new year has started in your company. You and your team are ready to move forward and achieve results. At first glance, the possibilities seem exciting, but soon the situation becomes more complicated.
Overcoming Fear of Scaling Your Business: Practical Advice
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
rubric:Blog, Article
Businesses must constantly be in a state of dynamic development, and scaling plays a key role in achieving sustainable success. However, despite the promises of growth and expansion, entrepreneurs often face serious challenges and fears associated with this strategic process.