What is a Company's Mission in Simple Terms?
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
rubric:Blog, Article
A company's mission is the foundation that defines why the company exists and what it aims to achieve.
How to Divide Functions with a Business Partner? 5 Tips
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
rubric:Blog, Article
Creating a business with a partner is a challenging task, especially if you don't know how to properly distribute responsibilities. Without regulations and agreements, your company may face chaos and conflicts.
5 Books on Building Business Strategy
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
rubric:Blog, Article
In this article, you will find 5 books that will become your indispensable assistants in developing and implementing business strategies. These editions offer innovative approaches and proven methods that will help you achieve sustainable growth and gain a competitive advantage.
Effective Implementation of a Training System in a Company from Scratch
Author:Alexander Vysotsky
rubric:Article, Blog
In the early 2000s, when I was a co-founder of the Ukrainian company Heroldmaster, the Orange Revolution occurred, leading to a temporary loss of government contracts. To survive, we had to start working with a cold audience.
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