
Alexander Visotsky is planning to move to Silicon Valley

For the past 6 years, Alexander has been living in the Tampa Bay Area, Florida, with his family. However, after spending a week attending various events in Silicon Valley, a decision was made to move there. This decision is shared by Alexander Visotsky and his business partner, Valentin Vasilevsky. Why Silicon Valley? There are several reasons for this.

The co-owners of Visotsky.Inc managed to communicate with a huge number of experts in the field of finance, startups, and venture capital. To undergo a strategic thinking evolution in a month, which usually takes at least a year, is a unique experience.

Silicon Valley has a very powerful environment - people are proactive, they not only promise to help but immediately connect you with the necessary contacts. This is exactly what's needed for scaling a business.

After tours of Uber, LinkedIn, Cisco, and Google headquarters, the co-owners of Visotsky.Inc realized that even large corporations need consulting. They also make mistakes in management and do not know which management tools to use at which development phase. This is an opportunity to demonstrate to American businesses what competent operational management is.


Earlier, we told you about a tour of Silicon Valley. You can read more about it here.

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