
Alexander Visotsky in the Spotlight of Forbes UA: How Ukrainian Entrepreneurs Improve Their Companies with Business Booster

An article has appeared in the online blog of Forbes UA that touches upon the success story of the brand ÜLKA. Today, it holds leading positions in the market with an annual turnover of over 90 million UAH and actively expands export boundaries. The founders of the company, Julia and Vladimir Siletsky, shared their story. They noted that they achieved everything primarily thanks to determination and continuous learning from the best.

Alexander Visotsky was also mentioned here — thanks to the accelerator Business Booster created by him, owners were able to bring order to the company, which is necessary for growth planning.

«At Business Booster, we thoroughly worked on systemic work,» Julia shared. During the accelerator program, the Siletskys developed the organizational structure of the business, defined the final valuable product, and detailed the description of each position.

Entrepreneurs also worked with managers on the mechanics of delegation and task management, introduced into the corporate culture a system of completed employee work. This is a tool for solving business tasks when an employee comes to the manager not with a problem, but with solution options and the result of analysis, to which solution he is inclined.

You can read the article and learn more about this story via the link.

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