
Business Booster has launched a new meeting format.

Now, for VIP and Platinum tariff residents of Business Booster, a new format is available — workshops from our company's department heads. Recordings of these meetings will be available to participants for an additional week, and they can share them with their employees. This new format allows entrepreneurs to see all of Business Booster's business processes from the inside and adopt successful actions for their company.

The first speaker of the workshop was Katerina Koretskaya, head of the "Construction Department," which deals with hiring and firing employees, and also includes IT communication and efficiency departments. In the meeting with her, residents learned:

- why the first department is called the "Construction Department" and not the "HR Department";

- what employees of D1 do;

- how we at Business Booster distribute regulations;

- how we work with candidates;

- how we track metrics.

Katerina Koretskaya, using the structure of the organization as an example, detailed all the departments of Business Booster and their sections, showed residents how the Business Booster Platform works — a platform where the company's regulations are posted, the organizational structure is displayed, communications are conducted, etc. Additionally, the speaker conducted a small "tour" of the "Newcomer's Course" — a training course for employees on probation.


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