
Business Booster Q4 Summary

Today, the quarterly reports from the departments were presented to the founders of Business Booster, Alexander Visotsky, and Valentin Vasilevsky. The leaders shared the results for cycles 11-13 of 2024, discussing key achievements and plans.

Department Achievements

Financial Department:

  • Optimized budgets and increased profitability by 15%.
  • Implemented new financial tools, reducing costs by 10%.

Marketing Department:

  • Launched marketing campaigns that increased website traffic by 25%.
  • Developed and introduced a course on AI in business and a marketing module for Business Booster residents. The module includes lessons on aligning the perfect project vision, creating landing pages, defining target audiences, competitive intelligence, and developing unique selling propositions.

HR and Training:

  • Updated the employee training program, enhancing their competence and efficiency.
  • Implemented automated systems for onboarding new employees, saving 70% of specialists' time.

Technical Department:

  • Implemented over 20 automation enhancements, saving more than 40 hours of manual work per month.
  • Introduced calendar planning and integration with Google Calendar on the Business Booster platform, simplifying task and metric planning.

New Projects and Plans

BOS Funnel Team:

  • Officially created a team to enter the Chinese-speaking market, starting with Malaysia.
  • Conducted A/B testing of landing pages to determine the most effective option for attracting clients.

AI Consultant Project for TA:

  • Tested and implemented an AI-based automated consultant to support clients.
  • Integrated with the GetCourse platform and automated bot testing.

International Presence:

  • Alexander and Valentin spoke at the Game Changers Fest in Colombia to an audience of 3,000 entrepreneurs. This event strengthened their brands in new markets.
  • Continued expansion of Business Booster in English-speaking and Chinese-speaking markets, including the launch of the "Business Operating System" workshop in Malaysia.

The company departments also presented future plans, including the launch of new products and expansion into English- and Spanish-speaking markets. The founders of Business Booster are preparing for a strategic session to be held from June 20-22, 2024, in Antalya, Turkey. During this session, Alexander Vysotsky and Valentin Vasilevsky will not only develop Business Booster's growth strategy but also conduct strategic sessions for 20 top entrepreneurs. This will be the first event of its kind.

For more detailed information on Business Booster's results and plans, follow updates on our website and social media channels.


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