
Attended the Workshop "Overview of the Department of Influence Expansion"

At the beginning of May, residents of the Business Booster accelerator attended the workshop "Overview of the Department of Influence Expansion." The speaker for the event was Ekaterina Kruglyak, CEO of Business Booster Ukraine. She has:

- Over 20 years of managerial experience;

- Key competencies in people management, marketing, PR, and sales;

- Experience in building and optimizing sales departments;

- Many years of personal experience in selling complex products and services.

Ekaterina explained the differences between marketing and PR. Residents learned that marketing focuses on creating and promoting products, while PR is about creating and maintaining a positive company image. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that:

- Customers acquired through advertising are more expensive and take longer to make decisions;

- Marketing and PR use different communication channels;

- Regular meetings and the publication of positive news bring the team closer together.

She also emphasized the importance of non-material methods of employee motivation, such as insurance, holiday greetings, loans, assistance with personal problems, gym memberships, and corporate events. The workshop provided Business Booster residents with valuable insights into the differences between the marketing and PR departments and effective methods for increasing employee engagement, fostering team spirit, and developing professional skills.


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