
22 июля 2009 года в Киеве стартовал первый поток Школы Владельцев Бизнеса

On July 22, 2009, in Kyiv, the first stream of the Business Owners' School started - an offline program for entrepreneurs aimed at systematizing and scaling small and medium businesses.


On this day, 14 years ago, our team initiated a product that is now changing the world of business. Therefore, July 22nd is considered the birthday of the Business Owners' School and simultaneously the Kyiv branch of our company.


Over the years of the program's existence, a lot has changed - the Business Owners' School transitioned online and became the basis of the Business Booster accelerator.


Here is what we've accomplished during this time in numbers:


- 1100 companies that have implemented management tools in their business

- Residents in 57 countries

- Offering in 4 languages: English, Chinese, Ukrainian, Russian

- Provided free support program for more than 1000 entrepreneurs from Ukraine worth over 6 million dollars


Business Owners' School attracts companies from different spheres — real estate, beauty, management, IT, and many others. Every year we improve our products to provide entrepreneurs with the best opportunities for development and growth. The main goal is to make the business world organized and efficient, and owners and their teams competent and successful.


Thanks to the best team that works on improving the product every day.

Thanks to our clients for choosing us and improving their companies.

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