
A Meeting for the Residents of the Management and Finance Department

A meeting of the "Management and Finance" department took place, with the department's business engineer, Tatyana Fatkina, serving as the speaker. Her professional experience includes:

- 3 years of experience at Business Booster;

- Assisted over 70 companies in implementing a financial planning system;

- 7 years of teaching experience in the field of "Real Estate Investment";

- 11 years of experience managing retail sales in the banking sector;

- 3 years as the operations director of a restaurant chain.

Tatyana spoke to the residents of Business Booster about the importance and methods of creating reserve funds to protect businesses in crises. She also shared how to correctly determine the size of a reserve fund to ensure business stability, recommending a range of three to six months of expenses.

Additionally, during the meeting, the speaker shared a screencast on how to calculate the required size of a reserve fund. Participants had the opportunity to ask the business engineer of the department their questions and receive practical advice.


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